शुक्रबार, १४ वैशाख २०८१
ताजा लोकप्रिय

यस्ता २५ तस्बिर जुन देख्ने बित्तिकै तपाईंले भन्नुहुनेछ ‘वाह’

शनिबार, २५ फागुन २०७५, १३ : ०३
शनिबार, २५ फागुन २०७५

कुनै पनि तस्बिर एउटा ‘पज बटन’ जस्तै हो – तपाईंले कुनै पनि पललाई मात्र नभई, यससँगै आउने भावनालाई पनि कैद गरिरहनुभएको हुन्छ । उत्कृष्ट तस्बिर चाहनुहुन्छ भने त्यसप्रतिको दृष्टिकोण र उचित समयबीच तालमेल हुन अत्यावश्यक छ ।

तपाईं जसको फोटो खिच्दै हुनुहुन्छ, त्यससँग खेल्दा र अर्कै ढङ्गले प्रयास गर्दा उत्कृष्ट नतिजा प्राप्त गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ ।

ब्राइट साइडले यस्तै उत्कृष्ट तस्बिर संकलन गरेको छ जसले तपाईंलाई रचनात्मक तरिकाले सोच्नका लागि बाध्य तुल्याउँछ ।


You can’t go on holiday and not take a #myfoundwings photo with some seashells at the beach, am I right or am I right? ...or, am I just too into my own hashtag? 😅🐚 . I’ve just landed back in London and already feeling nostalgic about my trip to Portugal, it was so good to get a bit of sunshine and just hang out with my parents. Now, home to some pizza and cuddles with the cats, oh, and the boyfriend 🙈 . . #livefullyalive #curated_nature #creativegrammer #inspiredbynature #simplepleasures #creativityfound #alittlebeautyeveryday #littlestoriesofmylife #whimsicalwonderfulwild #createeveryday #seekinspirecreate #smallmomentsofcalm #visualcrush #natureinspired #thenativecreative #forcedperspective #creativehappylife #sharpenmyfilm #myhappymoments #capturinghappiness #nothingisordinary_ #choosejoy

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Energia da natureza, vibe boa ✌🏼

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Düşümde bir yer... 💭💙 #reflection #manipulation

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Catching planes in Palma today; will try to catch as many planes as I can in 2019 🙌🏻✈️ #WHPresolutions2019

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It’s been almost 3 years since I first shared this photo to my small audience of friends and family. My best guest now, is this photo has been viewed over 500 million times all around the world. It’s certainly an interesting mix of emotions, trying to understand social media. In the months prior to sharing this image, I spent the entire year taking a photo everyday, (with little notice). My “365 project” would consume anywhere from 2-8 hours of my daily schedule. Location scouting, shooting and editing, all while working a full time job. During this year, I was extremely proud of some of the images (and some.. not so much), but didn’t foresee the success of this image. I suppose what I’m trying to say is this: if you’re a new photographer, do it for the enjoyment, not to please others. Social media can be a tricky thing. Don’t use it to seek validation or gratification, but use it to connect with other human beings.

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खबर पढेर तपाईलाई कस्तो महसुस भयो ?


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